Are you ready the flip the switch, gain clarity and be held accountable?
Are you ready to eliminate the self-sabotaging beliefs and talk that are blocking you from your bliss?
Soul Excavation is a - one/one loving, guiding, empowering, intensive program for women who are ready for lasting personal change!
No more blaming and no more excuses, it is go time and by go time, I mean the time is now, to move forward, no looking back or comparing, just forward momentum and LOVE! This program is a deep intentional soul-searching, digging, recovering and aligning relationship. Are you ready to push the reset button and knock down the walls that keep you stuck and live a life of freedom and joy?
Are you ready, willing and wanting to UP-LEVEL your entire existence? Are you ready to commit fully to yourself and your well-being and invest in your future and a new way of thinking and living? Are you ready to put yourself FIRST???
Our first meeting, we will meet for 3 hours and dig right into the WORK.
- We will determine our game plan for your clarity and transformation.
- Lay the groundwork.
- We will establish a solid foundation for the work you will be digging into.
- You will set crystal clear intentions that come from your heart center, YOUR INTENTIONS!
- Begin the process of implementing daily self-care, ritual, and connection to Spirit.
- Design your Heart and Soul Map to begin the process of, Soul Excavation!
- You will walk away from this Pow-Wow session with a clear vision of the next 5 months of your transforming soul-work.
Once you commit to this life changing experience I will send you your SoulPKG full of all the pieces and tools you will need to dig into your beautiful self along with a lot of awesome goodies!!!
Before our first meeting I will have you complete some home/groundwork and answer may questions, so when we meet for your first of two 3-hour Pow-Wow sessions you will be prepared, clear and ready to jump right in.
Soul Excavation is about you being fearless, gentle, committed, excited, kind and loving to your beautiful Soul.
Be courageous, know that you deserve lasting change, are capable and worthy of your hearts deepest desire, jump into this process, embrace it and find your bliss!
- What do you desire most?
- See it, feel it, reach for it, know it’s a possibility.
- Connect with Spirit and Self. Practice self-love and self-care, stillness and embrace silence.
- Take action - leap, jump. Go get it, embrace the transformation of self.
- Tools to manage your energy and time.
- Be grateful each day for where you are, what you have and who you are.
You will have unlimited email support, unlimited! This is an amazing piece of this offering. I will be available for you to ask direct questions and receive clear, direct, honest, loving feedback and guidance. You will be completely supported in this process.
It will be up to you to entirely commit and lean into this process and do your work, YOUR work! If you show up completely for yourself in this program BIG things will shift, change and become your new reality. This is your opportunity to dig as deep as you want; get raw, real, flourish, expand and bloom.
Intention is EVERYTHING.
Soul excavation includes:
- Initial 3 hour Pow-wow session to lay the groundwork and plan our Soul Excavation, get crystal clear with what you desire most and want to accomplish in our 5 months together.
- 2 hours of one/one time per month, phone calls or in person.
- Unlimited email support and guidance. M-F 24 hour correspondence.
- Personalized work designed for what your individual intentions, needs and desires are.
- Worksheets and journaling prompts for your journey and transformation.
- SoulPkg, this is full of goodies and the tools for your work in Soul Excavation.
- Heart and Soul Map with crystal clear heart centered desires and an action plan to achieve each.
- By being a VIP One/One client you will receive special discounted rates on offerings that fall in the 5 month timeframe that we are working together.
- In the final month of Soul Excavation we will meet for another 3 hour Pow-Wow session to tie up loose ends, getting you prepared for your happy, clear, joy filled, aligned life. You will be completely confident with the changes/shifts you have created and implemented into your daily structure.
Total investment $2997
$500 deposit to begin the process, 5 and 7 month payment plans available!
If you know that you need this work please reach out to me and together we will make it happen.